THE Joshua Kusnick Experience #37 – A Wall Fell on You?

THE Joshua Kusnick Experience is coming off our 1st Live Event July 15th and on this week’s episode we recap our 2018 MLB All-Star week experience.

Our conversation begins with Josh sharing stories from All-Star FanFest and our 1st Live Event.  Next we discuss the shenanigans which was the Adidas party, including hanging out with Hunter Greene and having a wall fall on both Josh and Ryan.  Finally Josh describes attending MLB Media Day on Monday with Jeremy Jeffress, trying to get Cal Ripken Jr’s autograph, and watching JJ pitch in the All-Star Game.
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Thanks to everyone who attended our Live Event and to you for downloading!

1 thought on “THE Joshua Kusnick Experience #37 – A Wall Fell on You?

  1. Ryan. Can you confirm if the statement is true that IF Harper walks then Nats receive
    A comp pick between 4 th and 5 th round ?!!

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