Scouting a Baseball Stadium – Miller Park

Miller Park

This past weekend I was afforded the opportunity to travel to Milwaukee to attend the Baseball Prospectus event in conjunction with the Milwaukee Brewers. This was my first time visiting the state of Wisconsin, let alone Miller Park, so I was quite enthusiastic to attend a game as a fan at a “new to me” stadium.

Unfortunately I have reached the point in my life where I am slightly uncomfortable going to a baseball game without a work agenda, so I decided rather than scouting players, I would scout Miller Park and the overall fan experience. Instead of using the five scouting tools typically associated with a hitter, I have broken down a stadium into five categories, namely Accessibility, Aesthetics, Affordability, Concessions and Fan Experience.

Miller Park

Accessibility –  3.5 Out of 4 Radar Guns

The stadium is not downtown which ruffles some fans’ feathers but the park is located just off the highway, with a plethora of parking. Getting into the stadium was rather easy, likely due to the large number of fans that tailgate before the games. They have plenty of taxis waiting postgame to take the overly-intoxicated fans home and they do a strong job of moving the flow of traffic to the highway. Still, leaving the stadium was slightly adventurous due to the volume of cars and the need to avoid various postgame tailgates.

Aesthetics –   2 Out of 4 Radar Guns

Easily the biggest weakness of Miller Park, as the structure of the mechanical roof gives the stadium an industrial feel, which is further boosted because it resides in an industrial area of the city. Quite frankly, the roof is ugly. However, once inside the doors the park is much better, as it has a cozy feel throughout the stadium. The scoreboard in center field is impressive and the Bernie the Brewer slide in left field gives the stadium something unique, but in general, the abundance of metal hurts the overall beauty of the place.

Affordability   3.5 Out of 4 Radar Guns

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Furthermore, while I shudder to pay $8 for a Miller product, they give you a large beer for your money and the food and beverage prices are cheaper than any other major league stadium I have been to previously. Overall, Miller Park is extremely cost-friendly compared to the many other entertainment options available today.

Concessions –   2.75 Out of 4 Radar Guns

In terms of beer, you REALLY better like Miller products or else you are not going to have a rather dry evening. I happen to not be a Miller fan, so I was struggling like Joe Namath to find a microbrew option. While the lack of beer options was disappointing, conversely the food quality and choices were tremendous, highlighted by the numerous bratwursts and sausage stands throughout the stadium.

Fan Experience –  3.75 Out of 4 Radar Guns

This is definitely the strength of the park – from the individuals tailgating before the game and feeling well lubricated, to the plentiful amount of restrooms, and seemingly each fan wearing home team gear, I was extremely impressed with Miller Park and the overall experience of attending a game. If they wouldn’t charge $8 for a Miller Lite and added a few options like Lakefront Brewery and Spotted Cow, this could be a 4.

Brewers Park

Overall Rating -> 14.5 out of 20, Solid B

Overall I leave Milwaukee with an overwhelmingly positive experience watching a weekend of baseball games at Miller Park. Certainly the outside could look a bit more pleasant to the eyes, but once you enter the stadium, the experience is one of the very best in baseball. I highly encourage all baseball fans to make a trip to Miller Park and I am certain I will make a return visit in the future.

An Armchair Evaluation of Washington Nationals OF Clint Robinson – As A Pitcher

A pleasant consequence of an otherwise ugly 14-6 loss Tuesday evening against Arizona, Washington Nationals outfielder Clint Robinson entered the game in the bottom of the 8th inning and made his professional pitching debut. Robinson made history with this appearance, as he is the first position player to pitch for the Nationals since baseball returned to Washington in 2005.

In his major league pitching debut, Robinson threw 9 pitches (7 strikes against 2 balls), allowing 1 hit against 1 strikeout in his one inning of work. Robinson featured a 79-81mph fastball which he commanded well both high and low in the strike zone, along with a 70-73mph slider with some natural 10-4 sweeping action. Robinson pitches exclusively from the stretch and has a quiet delivery, in which he uses very little of his lower body. He has a small arm drag and stab in the back of his motion, but this produces some deception to the batter, as the ball seemed to jump on the opposition.
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Currently I would label Robinson’s mechanics as well below-average with some potential room for improvement if he could clean up his arm motion and uses his legs more during his delivery. These adjustments could also add some velocity to his pitches and allow him to control the strike zone with more authority. The fastball probably rates as a “2” due to the low-80s velocity, but the slider showed promise and probably rates as a “3” or well below-average.

After watching Clint Robinson pitch for one inning, it is obvious that he was a pitcher earlier in his career, as his motion showed promise and he had obvious control of his fastball and slider. That said, with a fastball topping out at 81mph, I think Robinson made the proper career decision to be a hitter rather than a pitcher. Nevertheless, if the situation arises again this season, Nationals’ manager Matt Williams could do worse in an effort to protect his bullpen than put Robinson back on the mound. For the first position player to pitch in franchise history, color me impressed by Clint Robinson.

THE NatsGM Show On Location – The Baseball Prospectus Panel at Miller Park


A few people reached out to me yesterday and encouraged me to post the audio from the Baseball Prospectus Question-and-Answer Panel at their Milwaukee event last Saturday. Always willing to please to the fans, I received permission from Baseball Prospectus to publish it and went to work attempting to positively edit the audio quality.
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I must warn everyone this audio is raw and subpar even with my best efforts to improve it, so please severely lower your expectations from our typical excellent efforts. I want to thank BP for their approval but want to make sure everyone knows they did not record or produce this. With that said, if you stick with it, I believe you will enjoy the excellent audience questions and how impressive the responses’ were from the panel. Enjoy!

THE NatsGM Show Episode 35.5 – Guest Jordan Gorosh from Baseball Prospectus


For Episode #35.5 I am joined by Baseball Prospectus’s Pitching Virtuoso Jordan Gorosh LIVE from Milwaukee and this past weekend’s BP event with the Milwaukee Brewers.  In his return appearance to the show, Jordan talks about his process in scouting both hitters and pitchers, a few Tigers and Diamondbacks prospects, and pitching to Kris Bryant.  Of note, only a few hours after recording this interview, Bryant went on to hit his first major league home run.
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Thanks to Jordan for carving out some time this weekend to talk some baseball.  In addition I apologize in advance for the subpar audio, but who knew Milwaukee, rather than Chicago, is the true “Windy City”?